Why choose care with a home birth midwife?


(click the colored text to be directed to supporting research)

Home births attended by Certified Professional Midwives are safe for low risk women

and have lower rates of interventions than births which occur in a hospital setting. The evidence on

has recently been analyzed by Rebecca Decker with Evidence Based Birth. Her discussion is a great

starting place to learn about midwifery care.

You deserve to be treated with respect and have plenty of time with your care provider to

talk and be able to ask questions and have them answered. We believe every woman

wants a healthy baby and seeks her best possible pregnancy outcome, therefore we

seek to support and empower you in this. When pregnant women and their families are

treated with respect, stress levels go down and this reduces and even eliminates the risk

of having a baby preterm.

Using midwives can save you money because they cost less and have lower rates of

cesareans. One study showed that using a home birth midwife saved money in health

care costs over the first month postpartum.

Midwives support:

Midwives create the best environment for skin-to-skin contact in the first hours after birth. Why does this matter?

Use of synthetic oxytocin (pitocin) during labor increases maternal postpartum mood

disorders (depression and anxiety)

Laboring in water is an excellent way to reduce pain in first stage of labor, even

shortening it. There is no evidence of harm to mother or baby with waterbirth.

Midwives are well-versed in alternatives to medical analgesia, and support unmedicated births.

decreased breastfeeding ability in newborns.

  • Newborns have epidural anesthesia in their system for up to 30 days after birth

Midwives work collaboratively with physicians and help to facilitate a smooth and safe

transport to a higher level of care, should mothers develop health complications making

them no longer a good candidate for a home birth. We use online medical records so we

can fax records right away in the event of a transfer.

Midwives provide you with plenty of in-home and office postpartum visits and support.

We know the immediate postpartum period is the time when you need support the most!

Midwives provide home visits in the first week of life, followed by office visits.

Midwives provide you with: